Peace Wins

The world as a whole, is in chaos it seems.

More war, more death, more chaos, is rarely (if ever) the answer to anything.

There are problems that run centuries deep. There are problems we have only recently created for ourselves as a nation… as a world.

Words, like pictures, are powerful. There are certain words that are more damaging, causing more pain, adding to the problems.

There are other words, other pictures, that can heal. They can help. They can be answers.

Peace Wins
Alchemist Imaging
Model: Hannah Payne

Purchase this image on posters, t-shirts, coffee mugs and more through the Art Prints Portal at, or click the link below:

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Homeschool Picture Day!

Homeschoolers and parents often sacrifice much with their decision to take education into their own hands.  Between the ever-present struggle to ensure enough social interaction, to the additional costs involved in teaching materials and their curriculum, to the sheer amount of time it takes to prepare and deliver creative lessons, homeschooling your children can be quite a challenge in and of itself.

One thing that can fall through the cracks for homeschool parents is that their kids miss out on “picture day” at school!

With this in mind, Blacksmith Priory, a registered South Carolina non-profit organization, has engaged Alchemist Imaging to present a Homeschool Picture Day!

Homeschool Picture Day


Saturday, July 16th from 10:00am to 4:00pm, come on down to the Watershed in Lexington’s Old Mill, located at 711 E. Main St. in Lexington, South Carolina.  There is no cost for having your photos taken, and purchase of print packages will be available online for easy ordering and sharing with family!

Not only will we have sittings available to capture these precious years that seem to go by too quick, but we’ll also have several Midlands vendors providing all kinds of relevant goods and services!

RSVP below to help us make sure we adequately meet the demand, and so you’re not waiting too long for your sitting!

Taunting Beauty – Moriah

There’s a mystery behind those eyes.  She’s beautiful, and she knows it, but there’s also a vulnerability that keeps you at arm’s length.  She knows how to move and how to walk, how to stand, and how to run.  But don’t look too long, because she knows how to break your heart.

Model:  Moriah Paddock, Photo Set:  Alchemist Imaging
